With Sematext, your DevOps teams can monitor application performance, logs, metrics, real users, processes, servers, containers, databases, networks, inventory, alerts, events, and APIs. You can also do log management, synthetic monitoring, and JVM monitoring, among many other operations. Sumo Logic’s cloud-native platform is an ideal continuous monitoring solution for IT organizations that wish to enhance the security and operational performance of their cloud-based IT infrastructure and applications. Features like automated log aggregation, data analytics, and configurable alerts help IT SecOps teams automate key security monitoring processes, respond more quickly to security incidents and mitigate the risk of a costly data breach.

Main steps to implement continuous monitoring

In development and staging environments, teams can test how specific changes might affect application performance, resource usage, or quality of service to customers. A good database monitoring tool will provide useful continuous monitoring cloud metrics on SQL query performance, session details, deadlocks, and transactions per minute. Enterprise networks comprise many complex components, all with security controls and configurations that need to be monitored.

Risk Management for Successful CM Strategies

However, unifying monitoring data, analytics, and logs across your DevOps CI/CD ecosystem can be challenging and complex. Cognizant of these bottlenecks, Opsera has developed the Insights Platform for DevOps monitoring to help you get a single and unified view of monitoring metrics, delivery analytics, and contextualized logs. So, you can easily get the big picture of your DevOps pipelines, security, and operations, and address the gaps, if any, at a faster pace. The core principle of DevOps is to enable seamless collaboration between the development and operations teams. However, a lack of proper integration between the tools can impede coordination between different teams.

  • The system owner also ensures that the systems security plan is updated to reflect the current security posture of the system and details the manner in which the required security controls are implemented.
  • Big data analytics technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence can help in the analysis of massive volumes of log data.
  • You can also integrate automation tools like runbooks with these alerts to apply fixes and solve the problem without any human intervention.
  • The principle behind continuous monitoring is to offer instant feedback and understanding of how things are performing throughout the network.

It features a multi-dimensional data model with time series data identified by metric name and key/value pairs. Prometheus’s query language allows for aggregation of data, generating alerts, and more. It is particularly well-suited for monitoring containerized environments and is the default monitoring system for Kubernetes.

Sumo Logic

To get the full benefit of a well-implemented CCM, organizations should deploy various software solutions such as SIEM, GRC, VAPT tools, and more. This page documents policies and procedures related to cloud.gov continuous monitoring. It’s adapted from the Continuous Monitoring Strategy Guide available from FedRAMP.

Collecting the right information is always tricky considering the number of endpoints that generate logs and events. Nowadays, it’s more of a matter of how much of your budget is set aside for CM. In many cases, certain functionalities can be developed “in-house” as add-on capabilities to the current IT applications and software. Remember that while you can custom build tools to match your specific needs, it will require substantial financial resources and a dedicated team to develop and maintain it. If you’re thinking of choosing an out-of-the-box option, consider the extent to which it can be customized to handle growth and changing needs in your DevOps environment.

This involves defining what needs to be monitored, why it needs to be monitored, and what the expected outcomes are. It’s essential to involve stakeholders, including IT teams, business leaders, and end-users, in this process to ensure that everyone is aligned on the goals and objectives. The next step in implementing continuous cybersecurity auditing and monitoring is to choose the right tools for the strategy. There are a massive number of tools available in the market that can be used in continuous cybersecurity monitoring. These tools can often be split into various categories such as network security monitoring tools, encryption tools, web vulnerability scanning tools, etc.

Main steps to implement continuous monitoring

The development of a Continuous Monitoring Plan39 facilitates the implementation of the CM program. The Continuous Monitoring Plan also addresses the integration of CM activities and metrics to support the CM strategy through the identification of security controls necessary for monitoring to ensure their effectiveness40 over time. The first step in implementing continuous monitoring is to identify the objectives and scope of the program.

Continuous monitoring provides comprehensive, real-time insights into system performance, vulnerabilities, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Continuous monitoring is a risk management strategy that shifts from periodically checking the risk management profiles of third parties you work with to proactively monitoring for relevant changes on an ongoing basis. Continuous monitoring involves using technology to scour all available data about an organization’s security and compliance status, in order to detect and flag new vulnerabilities and security events as soon as possible.

Main steps to implement continuous monitoring

A combination of technology and strategy helps ensure that the right data is collected at the right time. The next step, and perhaps one of the most significant challenges, is finding the balance between monitoring and analysis. DevOps continues to gain traction among organizations as demand grows for digital product and platform development.